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Round Robin Distribution Designs, LLC

Endless Possibilities!

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LIPZ - A division of Edifu (Edible Foods University) Foods Company coming soon close to you!



Artwork by: April Graves-Minton



Have you ever thought to yourself that you spend most of your hard-earned money trying to protect your body and the bodies of your loved ones, but it seems you can never get away from the chemical industry invasion? Does it seem a total waste paying experts to protect you from the crap? In your food, horrible disposable products, seedless fruits, vegetables, and trees that are only Japanese hybrid no fruit or nuts and just ornamental. You know you never get fed anything...but crap!

In the so-called "allowed" or ordained by the federal government rules (not mine - I am my own Nation within the Nation = Powhatan Government of Native American Indians), they allow all kinds of unknown chemical fake ingredients to invade your body via government approval. Real and organic ingredients or at least those ingredients that you know are NOT chemicals made to fool your body into believing that it is satisfied should be all that you see on any label.

Below, I list all of the ingredients in my foods so that you can know for sure what it is you are eating. If the products I use happen to contain chemicals or preservatives, I will list them and explain in as much detail as I can how you can make your own of that product or simply petition (unceasing) the makers of the product that they should drop the chemicals and junk words meant to hide the chemicals "like a hot rock", or you will refuse to buy ANY of their products!

This division may begin slow and grow over time as people understand that my and my company's goals are to make good people happy. I have no sympathy for those people who would criticize myself, my company, or machines and inventions simply because I am superior to anything they can dream up. Or, maybe they are so jealous that I am happy with myself, love myself, love life and light, and actually like myself more than anyone in the universes. I refuse to dumb myself down to their level. I am the genius. They are not. I do perform research and listen to non-repetitive suggestions or advice, but I am the ultimate decider. I am the boss of me, myself, and I.

I hope you choose to buy my totally not approved by the Food and Drug Administration of the federal United States government foods or products because in the Constitution of the United States Government, Declaration of Independence, Section Two, third paragraph, and Amendment 14, second paragraph, it clearly and with no mistake declares that Native American Indians pay no taxes, nor are they governed by the laws and rules of the U.S. government. We did not agree and never agree to being governed by "Colonists" or invaders of MY CONTINENT! I am the ruler of all tribes, HIR (Her Imperial Royal) Majesty Empress Evergreen (Angel) and fourth generation from Emperor Wahunsonacock, Pocahontas' father. In fact, those two inclusions into your important document state very clearly ...and untaxed Indians.

Oh, by the way, on your quarter coins with George Washington, it may interest you to know that he was full-blood Cherokee Nation and as a macromanager I probably gave him governance. I am the chief of the Cherokee Nation not those imposters like their representative, Cole. My direct Graves (de Grave family from France) great grandmother was the sister to Susan Arkansas Hamilton, Ida Mae Loudella Hamilton, who married Randolph Graves. Susan married Greenberry Graves and she was more famous than Ida Mae. However, they are both full-blood Cherokee, Caddo, Seminole, and Powhatan Native American Indians. I am the closest ruling tribe monarch of Powhatan Giants and may be the only Angel Giant in the tribe.

I am also many names and entities in one person, the Weido, the Word, Goddess Hera (Here), and more...When you see me, you see what tribe YOU are! I am a multi-person in one person able to strengthen the tribes DNA. I have perfect original human DNA and history.

Please send your name, email, address, organization (for discounts if I like you), how many of what you want below and until I approve members into my organization or Originators of our beautiful view, then I will be processing orders by myself. It may take some time to answer your emails or other correspondence, but please be patient as I put Love into every bite! Baby Love Heaven Goode and BabyBull Love MoonEagle Powhatan. Every tribe has a different name for myself. You see?

©MOONEAGLE MOUNTAINS - Gourmet Cookies Below:

Ingredients List: Many of the "Varieties" of foods or cookies should declare if there are special ingredients: cane sugar, brown sugar, chocolate, cocoa butter, real cow butter, cheeses of different kinds, cow's milk, milkfat, soy lecithin (this @ symbols means that we should take this out of the product for our clean foods future), natural flavors @ (which ones?), pecans, raisins, coconut flakes, unbleached flour (also unenriched would be better for us), iodized salt, baking soda, cayenne = red peppers = longer life - the Indios have been hording it from us because they know it helps you get rid of the crap in your body and black and white peppercorn causes cancers in the body. Look it up on your own time! cinnamon, pure 100% Vanilla extract, eggs (should be free range Rhode Island Reds not white bloodless-looking chickens or turkeys. The real ones are brown or reddish to hide them in the woods and thickets. Possible additions to the cookies below may include honey, fruits like apples, peaches, grapes, pears, figs, or cherries and English walnuts or other tree nuts or peanuts, may also contain sweet grass = a very sweet grass that is tender, juicy, and taste better than any lettuce or spring mix for your salads. It has to be soft and lush almost moist green, not sticky.





When ordering, you may mix regular and chocolate versions by the dozen or just a dozen of each kind. The price per dozen cookies is: $25.00 U.S.D. with no shipping charges inside the 48 states of the United States. Include your email address and shipping address so that I may confirm your order, please!   Click this PayPal link to pay your way for the cookies!

You can probably double or triple the price for international shipping. You know why. Email using the Contact form before buying outside the U.S. please! You may also request your foods by calling (for now) 1-(479)-647-0415 and leave voice mail so we can text your orders and send your confirmation number.

They come cushioned in the tin box or package, but I do not guarantee they will not crumble during shipping. You also must agree to put the shipping container back into the mail once empty as it has a return postage paid on it. I can clean and reuse the container for the next customer. This is my old design and copyrighted methodology intellectual property, but this is your new way to eliminate the trash piling up in your garbage can. All of my products and foods are this way to begin until I make my flying delivery service that eliminates most retail brick and mortar stores. Fast, cheap, and no deforestation of our air supply pressure machines keeping the sky from falling onto our heads.


Thank you for visiting, share my websites on social media, and come back for more delicious natural ingredient foods! Your opinion is important to me, and I want you to comment on my blog page about things. I am not worried about the naysayers so much. You wouldn't believe it, but once people taste "Manna From Heaven", nothing can change their mind that it is ALL GOODE!