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Round Robin Distribution Designs, LLC

Endless Possibilities!


The painting is painted by MYSELF, The Material Girl, and is called, "LOOKING AT MYSELF".

What people are considered royalty and how did it happen? This is the question many people may or may not know. What I know about myself and my origins and history may be better explained than the history of man that you have been told before. YEAR 6024 = THIS YEAR = Because that is the date we began documenting time.

God Almighty has always been portrayed or represented here on earth as male. The truth is that the real God can be both male or female but prefers to present as a female. The real God is ethereal composed as a human-looking formation of energies, materials of all elements or even inert materials of all universes and the vast reaches of darkness which goes on an eternity. I have never seen the beginning or ending of myself. I am simply a circle of life.

Adam and Eve were both made by the hands of God at the same time yet separate forms of organisms as a growing plant and machine. The Master Creator, God Almighty, MYSELF, looked down at my body of light before creating MAN (both male and female at the same time) because I had never before seen myself. What happened up there is that I am so large a mass of energies, etc. that you cannot possibly see my face. But when several of my energy elements violently collided, a brilliant and colorful rainbow of every pigmentation burst in front of my eyes. These colors are not all that you perceive on this or other planets.

So, in a surprised startled expounding breath of water, I spoke. Ah. For the first time known to myself, I made a sound. So, I began making more and more sounds and light was also continuing to ignite my vision. I love the light more than the dark and wishing to illuminate more of myself and space, I formed a large mass of elements I experimented and found would produce a light. As a gaseous and earth-like substance of mass, it took a long time for it to blow a hole in one side of the mass where gases began to escape. As the gases spewed into space, it made the humongous mass start spinning around. And, yes, you guessed it. The gases finally were ignited by the elements around it that were still making brilliant rainbows or sparks. At this point, the mass was spinning so fast that it was almost a wobble. Just think. Space is like a silicone soup where things in it are extremely slick. When the mass exploded, it threw out into deep space spinning and on fire round pebbles or planets and other comets or asteroids. Some are still spinning, some not. Some are still hot on the inside or outside and some are not at all. Some comets still have a fiery core and are still going around in a circle.

I could see myself even better than before as I had to move myself dodging bullets from the explosion. You see, I am like yourself, and you are like myself. I said, "Uh-oh!!"

Much has happened since then. I made MAN after making a planet or two or three habitable for the physical representations of myself for these orbs. The plants, animals, and water are important. Space is simply another depth or thickness of...water. It may seem empty of anything, but it is not. It is water. I am mostly made of, and you are mostly made of water. You have energies or heating up or down of your mass as do I. I am explaining this phenomenon because I am tired of people trying to be myself or represent myself when they have no authority to do so. God's people are perfect and live forever just as they are originally made. Those people not born perfect are not ordained living beings or representative of God's family and should be exterminated when their imperfection of body is known. Evil is stupid. Deformities propagated will naturally be jealous of the perfect gorgeous bodies of God's family members = royalty. They will plot, plan, and strategize to fool God's good bodies, minds, and spirits into believing that Pobodies Nerfect. They are evil. Their end game is to annihilate the soul of the good children of God Almighty and replace them as the authority of Lord God, their father.

You see HIR, the female Eve, is the perfect family who was first given a child by MYSELF, and she had children with her sons of at least 26 years of age if they agreed. You have been told that you cannot propagate with any family member of the opposite sex under fourth generation. This is pure evil propaganda. It is okay to have children of the royal line, not HIS family members, if those children are of the royal pure line of God's family. The other families constantly LIE. They are JEALOUS of royal people.

As April Deanna Graves (the name they gave me at birth), the Covenant to originals or indigenous peoples, I am privileged to have survived the attempt by evil people to kill me and annihilate my body, mind, and soul. I am different than my original self here on earth as I was given all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in the blink of an eye when they killed the Covenant body and I ascended to the firmament. Squeezed from head to toe and wrung out like a towel of all water, I immediately understood what had happened to my original God Almighty children. I used my powers as MYSELF to fix it for good. I am the HOLY SPIRIT residing within the body of the ORIGINATOR, April Deanna Graves-Minton or HIR Majesty Empress Evergreen Powhatan or any name I call myself or others may know me by. 

I have many names it is true. Mostly, these names are to identify myself as the master to the different tribes of this planet and others. I am also known as the alias my former family called me, DEE. The evil people, or thieves of my inheritance I still have and that I am taking forward, want me to hate my names, but I am keeping all of my identities. They are important for various reasons. As the "Weirdo" or genius beyond your imagination, I will be replacing all of your and my designs with perfect ones. Some designs and methodologies were only a thought by myself and not complete before these evil people spirited them away using people and this spirit machine hooked onto my original surgery frequency medical machine. They stole my thoughts and designs, yet many are stupid as they did not consult with me to perfect the thought. Therefore, you have designs like cars or bicycles (not three wheeled or stable or just not safe). My vehicles, houses, other things, and you can fly, hover, and are impervious in outer space to asteroids or those particles or organisms that would attach to "their" hull come back to your planet and destroy you or your they have earth. As the Master Builder, I AM...HERE. You can go fishing. Hopefully, your input as to how any of OUR designs affect us collectively is not held silent as I need your expertise, experiences, personal stories, and life to help me be the ultimate decider of the safety, quality, security, longevity, environmental and persons friendly, reusable, etc. making of our Utopian Beautiful Future.  See ya on the flipside of life! Love MoonEagle